What To Do After Financial Independence?

You’ve achieved financial independence, and now you find yourself at a crossroads. On one side, you have a successful business that generates more money than you can ever spend, and on the other side lies the future – full of unknown mystery. I was once at one such crossroads. It doesn’t matter how you achieve…

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Are You Liable for Your Spouse’s Credit Card Debt?

When “mine” and “yours” becomes “ours” in a marriage, undoing this financial entanglement can be quite complex, especially if you intend to get divorced. If your spouse has significant credit card debt, you may wonder who will be legally responsible for paying this debt. You may have another question: How to settle credit card debt? Even if…

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5 Money Habits Worth Developing to Boost Personal Wealth

In real-life romantic relationships, it’s often the little things that matter, not the grand gestures worthy of a rom-com movie. The same is true of personal finance. You may have a high-paying job or a huge inheritance, but if you’re bent on boosting personal wealth, know it’s your little money habits that will play a…

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3 Steps for Millennials to Achieve Financial Freedom

Hello readers! Today we welcome a guest post from Chris at LifeUpswing discussing one of our most favorite topics – Financial Freedom! Enjoy. Financial freedom looks different to everyone. Maybe you want to be debt-free, own a home, or have substantial savings. Perhaps you want all that and more! Whatever your goals are in life,…

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The Story Behind Gamestop, Beyond the Short Squeeze

If you follow the markets, you were privy to a seemingly once-in-a-lifetime occurrence of the “little guys” sticking it to the big hedge funds. Curious to know the story behind Gamestop? Value of Stocks is here to feed your mind. The Story Behind Gamestop Nobody would have thought that Gamestop (NYSE: GME) would be a…

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3 Favorite Stocks From Money By Ramey’s Portfolio

Today, we welcome a guest post from SureDividend.com. Sure Dividend has some great insights on dividend investing stocks, which can help you build your very own dividend portfolio. Be sure to check out my portfolio as well as Dividend Income: the Trend. The S&P 500 index is up nearly 18% over the last year, and…

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Successful Investing: 10 Simple Rules | Money By Ramey

This week welcome a guest post from Emily Moore; 10 Simple Rules for Successful Investing. Lets read and Enjoy! Those who are thinking that successful investing is only for people who are in surplus couldn’t be more wrong. Everyone, who feels that ‘average income’ is more than they can achieve, can and should do it.…

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The FICO Credit Score Range Explained

Today we welcome a guest post from Emily Kalan on the importance of the Fico Credit Score Range. I personally know how important this score happens to be as it directly influences how much we can purchase, what we can purchase, and what rate we’re quoted if borrowing on credit. Enjoy! Your credit score can…

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The Savvy Investor’s Guide to Buying Gold

The following is a guest post from Commodity.com. In an effort to continue growing our investment acumen, we like to consider alternative points of view in the investing realm. While I currently do not own any gold nor do I have plans to invest in the short-term, it’s always good to learn new investing strategies.…

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